Sunday, February 1, 2015

January review

To preface, I am watching the Superbowl, but since I'm not the world's biggest football fan anyway, I'm okay with taking my full attention away from it for a bit.

I feel like I'm going to be talking a lot about my resolutions throughout the year. I'm okay with that, because doing so feels good; doing so keeps me in check. This last month is probably one of the best I've had as far as keeping resolutions goes; I've managed to keep all of them that are quantifiable so far:
  • Do better with exercise – I hit my daily step goal every single day in January (which I changed pretty quickly to just 5 miles a day instead of just 10,000 steps). This month I'm going to up it to 6 miles a day, but I'll take Sundays off. As a missionary, it's recommended to do workouts six days a week and take Sundays to rest, and I think I'll be okay by going with that standard.
  • Eat better – I managed to cut out regular sodas completely from my diet. And I've also reduced how much I've been eating out. While there may be "healthy" options at fast food places, in the long run it's just really not worth it to go there anyway. This month I think what I'll do is to cut out sweets (anything that's basically meant to be a dessert or snack-type food).
  • Read at least one new book per month – I finished Mere Christianity yesterday (and would highly recommend it, by the way!). This month's book: The Art of Manliness.
  • Make at least one video per month – I did also make a video yesterday, mostly just talking about my resolutions and how I've been doing on them (so... pretty much what this post is about). However, after finishing it all my computer just didn't want to export it/let me put it online. I'll try to get it up in the next couple of days, especially since any time later it wouldn't be really relevant.
  • Write a blog post every Sunday – if you've been keeping up with these posts, or if you want to just look right now, I have indeed posted something every week so far!
The other five resolutions are ones that I am still working on or planning for.
  • Continue dating is going okay, especially since I'm still just getting to know new people up here in Alpine (though that obviously doesn't mean I couldn't date anyone down in Provo, or even in Salt Lake if it were to come to that). 
  • I'm narrowing down my movie collection, actually. I've sold some that I knew I'd never watch again, keeping those I'd only really want in my collection. Maybe some day in the future I'll find those movies I got rid of again, but for now I'll focus just on the movies I really enjoy. And then do reviews on them.
  • As far as conventions go, FanX just ended yesterday and I didn't go to any day of that as I've been trying to get my jobs lined up. (And I'll talk about those jobs in a bit.) RTX, while it seems like it'd be a ton of fun, is just too expensive for me to go this year. Salt Lake ComicCon could be a strong possibility, however... There was the Sundance Film Festival last week, and that kinda counts as a convention. I went up to see Burnie from Rooster Teeth, and I'll talk more about that experience in a future post. So that kinda counts as a convention... But I'll still try to make it to SLCC later this year.
  • With figuring out my future, I've been trying like crazy to acquire jobs for the last month. And I've finally been successful! I started at Deseret Book last week doing receiving, and PetSmart called me up yesterday saying they'll have me come in tomorrow to get things started as a cashier. They're both in Orem, and fairly close to each other, and they're be understanding of my schedule so I shouldn't have their schedules conflict. Now I just need to make sure I get a decent number of hours at each, or add a third job... We'll see.
  • And as far as being happy goes? Again, I feel pretty good about how my resolutions are going. So long as I can keep this trend up then I'll definitely get to a level of happiness and contentment that I'll feel comfortable with.
This post took a bit longer than I thought, as the game did pick up quite a bit in the last quarter (and if you were watching as well, you know exactly what I mean). But yeah, I've been doing great so far, and it's giving me an optimistic feeling for the rest of this year.

So here's a quick rundown of the game, from my perspective:
Seahawks and Patriots at the beginning of the game, and during most of it.
How the Seahawks must have felt when they had a minute remaining.
How the Patriots must have felt at twenty seconds left in the game.
Included because awesome.

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