Sunday, September 22, 2013

Current Musical Delights

I've written before about music, so I don't think this post will be too long. Just wanted to share some songs that I've recently found that are on repeat in my music library.

First up is "Monster" by Imagine Dragons. Supposedly this isn't on any album yet, but instead from the new game Infinity Blade 3:

Next up is "It's Time," also by Imagine Dragons, but an acoustic version that they did for SXSW:

Then there's "Wake Me Up" by Avicii. (I think it's pronounced "ah-vee-chee.")

A current favorite of Maroon 5, this is "Daylight":
This is just a lyric video, but if you've got time to watch the one that they did for something called "The Daylight Project" (it's about 10 minutes long) it's worth a look.

"Charlie Brown," by Coldplay, might not be the most popular song off their newest album, but it's pretty awesome in my book:

And last is one more by Imagine Dragons. "Demons":

Music is something I can always enjoy because, like I wrote in one of my last posts, there's a lyric, chord, something in it that just connects with me. Resonates with me, if you'll excuse the slight musical pun. Also like movies, my music collection is always growing, so if you've got suggestions of songs to listen to I'm open for most anything.

No new movies yet, but a couple more GIFs:
I'm all for irony.
Haven't actually seen this movie. Yes, I know what it's from.
Neil Patrick Harris is always awesome. Dancing with Elmo only makes him more so.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What keeps me up at night

For years, I've had trouble going to sleep at a decent hour. Tonight is no exception. (I'm starting this at 2:15 AM local time, Wednesday morning, and who knows when I'll finish.) Many a time it's because there's one last thing that I feel like I need to take care of. Sometimes it's because I slept during the day, thereby causing myself to not actually be tired once night comes around. Once in a while it's because I drink something caffeinated, or some chimarrão (that maté stuff found in Brazil). Pretty much every time, though, no matter what it is that originally makes me stay awake, my thoughts start flying. And then swooping around, coming back and landing on a singular subject. Once they get to that subject, they start revving up again, speeding down the runway and taking off once more.
A few people who I've talked to over the years know what I'm talking about. I don't actually like to talk explicitly about it because of its nature, and because of certain events that have happened because of it. I hate to be a tease about this, but I won't be talking about it in this post, explaining what this problem of mine is. Suffice it to say for now that it's been an issue in my life for almost a decade. It's something I think about nearly every day, most often at night, when I'm alone, and all the thoughts I have turn to this issue. Why it happens. How I can solve it. If I can solve it. How to bury it, once and for all.
If I can bury it.

I need to bury this part of me, get rid of it, extract it from my life and be done with it forever... I think. There are two major ways to solve this issue, one that has a seemingly happy ending (from where I currently stand) and another which will end with... well, a not as happy one. Right now the more plausible one is the latter, but part of me wants that happy ending.
And who doesn't want a happy ending, right?


Part of the issue is that not all of the choices that need to be made rely on me. And it's not like I can go tell the necessary parties involved with this issue to "make up their minds" so that I can finally let this thing go – I can't change people, I can't make up their minds for them. No one can do that for someone else. That's not part of human nature. We all have our agency, our ability to think and act on our own. As kids, yeah, we've got our parents who heavily influence our actions and teach us what to do. But ultimately, we still have that option to do what we want. (I was the victim of many a time-out when growing up, but in retrospect they were all of my own doing.) As adults, we're out here, virtually on our own, and we have even more options than we can count. So many of us do what we always think is best.
For me, my problem is that I'm so heavily torn between certain options that it tears me apart. I don't really show it, I'll admit; talking to me, I'll be pleasant, I'll ask how you're doing, I'll show genuine interest. The reason I do that is because I love to distract myself from my own problems. My own thoughts that haunt me every night. My joy comes from helping others figure out their own lives, because I get to forget about the things that have scarred me over the years. My problems are put aside as I help others, as I do my best to understand what they're going through and be a support for them.

I've always compared it to how I love playing with Legos. Let me explain:
With Legos, whenever you get a new set of them, there's always an instruction booklet that tells you how to "really" put it together. I always do so, usually within the first few minutes of bringing home the set (or if it's a gift, within a few minutes of opening it up from its wrapping). I play with it for a while, admire it, maybe compare it to some other sets I've received over the years (or if I get multiple sets at once, play with them at the same time). And yes, I'm 23 years old and still play with Legos. Not ashamed of it. After a while with the set being put together the way it's "supposed" to be... I take it apart. I mix in other pieces from my collection. I make it cooler, more functional, better than it was before. I eventually mix it all in with my entire collection so it can do the same for future sets. For those who haven't seen what I've got, it's pretty dang big. They're all sorted by color, or what kind of pieces they are, or if they're meant to be part of a special set, etc. I'd spend hours every week trying to sort them all out, then getting distracted by one or two unique pieces, then going off and building entire castles and armies when I should have been just putting them all away in the first place. My mind would always have these ideas that would be more elaborate, more creative – again, just better than the ideas before.
Making the analogy relevant: this issue is a Lego set that has about 100,000 pieces. Yeah, that big. And, unlike the "sets" that I deal with when helping others, it's a set all for me. Because of how long I've "had" this "set," I've become intimately familiar with it. I know it well, I know how to put it together to make it the "right" way. I don't necessarily need the instruction booklet to know how to put it together. I've done it, over and over and over again, even doing it just in my mind. But my problem with this set is that... I don't know what else to do with it. I don't know if it's the kind of set to keep around and admire, making it unique from all of my other sets in that fashion, or to start treating it like my other sets. Take it all apart, put it together in new ways, add in pieces from past sets, and eventually mix it in with everything else. I mean, I'd like to do the latter, because that's what I'm used to doing. I've done it time and time again. Why should this set be that much different from the ones I've had in the past?

Again, I've had this set for a long time. And I have yet to do with it what I've done with all the others. It's honestly one of my favorites, and I almost don't want to ruin the fun that is putting just this together.
I think of it as fun when not actually doing it. But have you ever put together a Lego set that has a few hundred pieces? It takes a freaking long time!! I've spent more than a few hours on just one set before, and I don't think I've ever had one that was over 2,000 pieces. (I got a Harry Potter castle once... that was probably one of the biggest I ever got.) This set, this monstrosity of a set, with the size that it is, I've taken years to get used to putting together and taking apart. I've become attached to it. It is part of me, it is part of who I am, it is what makes me... well, me.

Reminder: the issue isn't an actual Lego set. If it was, I doubt that I'd actually even be writing about it. I'd be able to just take the set apart and move on with my life. And get a new set to fuss over. All of the above is just an analogy (see side picture – I'd be doing that in real life if I were talking) for what my real issue is. I never imagined when I was younger that I'd be using my toys to explain my situation – at least, never in this way – and I certainly never imagined myself to be in this situation. I don't think anyone would ever expect, hope, or plan to be in this situation. From the perspective of someone who's been in it for a good while now, it isn't fun or enjoyable at this stage. It's more of a burden than anything else. I'm not joking when I say it haunts me sometimes. It's in my daily thoughts, it's in my nightly dreams, it's been an influence for some of the actions and big decisions in my life. And, sadly, it's affected others in ways that haven't ended particularly well, mostly because of how long it's been an issue for. If I had the chance to go back in time and stop myself from ever starting this issue in the first place, I'm not sure that I would. Because I have learned a lot from it. It's been a painful process, but not one without any sort of positive outcome. It's brought me occasional rays of sunshine.

Dear reader, thank you for taking the time to read through this. You didn't have to. I don't mean to draw a great amount of attention to myself through this blog; mostly it's a place for me to write, because that's the best way I have to express myself and vent. When talking out loud, I stutter when trying to explain this whole thing. I literally get dizzy from the stress it sometimes causes. If you feel like you'd like to know more about what this issue is, you're welcome to ask me about it in a personal, private conversation. I'll be open and honest, if you're someone who's actually read this far. Just be ready for me to take about an hour to go over it all, because often times the details are what make stories worth hearing.

3:40 AM when finishing this up. Not too bad, especially comparing it to how long it took me to actually publish my last post. I wrote this one almost nonstop, with minor editing here and there. Again, to end on a happier note than the overall tone of this post, here are some random GIFs:

No new movies since the last post. I need to start working on actually watching the ones that I have...

EDIT: I did sleep for a little bit, but I ended up waking up at 6:13. I'd been dreaming about thunderstorms. Go figure.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Plight of the Provo Bachelor

So I've been living in the city of Provo, Utah, for over three years now. And I like it. I really do. So when I rant about this topic, dear reader, please don't suggest that I try moving somewhere else in order to "solve my problem." This is where I'm going to school, this is where I'm putting down some roots, this is a convenient location close to my family – for those and numerous other reasons, here is where, for now, I'm meant to be.
One subject comes up over and over in discussion, normal conversation, interviews, classes, the workplace... Pretty much anywhere you go around here, one subject comes up more often than others:
Who are you dating?
How long have you been together?
How'd you two meet?
Do you see it going somewhere soon? *wink wink*
And it's understandable in some ways to talk about it so often. My religion is very family-oriented, and since the tradition of arranged weddings isn't a part of our culture, it only makes sense that a marriage (and subsequent family) will come after dating someone for a period of time.
It's getting to that point that's so dang stressful.
I'll admit, I probably think about this subject a lot more than other guys my age, Mormon or not. I've been thinking a lot about it for years. Being a 20-something-year-old student in Provo has only enhanced how often I think about it. This is pretty much the Mormon capital of the world, so families are abound – both young and old, large and small, newly formed or well-established. They show up everywhere. It feels like couples form around me all the time, often between my own friends and I end up being the last one to find out. (Note to my friends: please don't stress over this. Regardless of when I find out, I'm happy for you.)
I've been in relationships before, and while they were going on they were great. However... I'm not in one now. And I'm kinda not understanding why. No, I'm not bragging or boasting, saying that I'm the kind of guy who has to be in a relationship. But... It just seemed so easy before. And I miss it. I don't know if I'm missing something from the last time I was in a relationship, some trick, some key ingredient; is it possibly me, that I'm such a different person than a couple years ago? Am I doing anything radically different? Are the girls I'm meeting and interacting with so different than those from when I got home from my mission (now just over two years ago)? Or, if they're not that different, are they just not interested?

Questions like these come up all the time in my mind. Waaaay too often. After having one weird dating experience after another, I feel pretty justified in asking them. For instance, I went on a date with someone I had met online. From what I perceived, things were going great leading up to the date (chatting online, texting and calling, honestly showing interest in each other), and while it was going on the evening seemed to play out smoothly. I wasn't expecting a TON out of it, as it was only a first date, but what I certainly wasn't expecting was for her "sister" to call and say she needed help at home, causing her to leave partway through the date and then never contact me again. That girl's profile isn't on the site we used anymore, and she never responded when I contacted her by phone, so I have no idea if it was something that I did wrong on the date or if she just got scared of something. Who knows.
Another girl that I was pursuing – for MONTHS – I went out with numerous times. We got to be great friends, had a lot of similar interests, met the family and became friends with them as well. We even had our inside jokes. We connected on a level that I hadn't really felt with anyone previously. But with her, I ended up being nothing more than just a friend. Even after sacrificing a lot just to spend time with her, she let me know that she didn't reciprocate the same feelings for me that I had for her. That friendship is valued, but simultaneously it feels like I wasted a lot of my time with her. Especially when I was asked to help pick out birthday presents for the guy she was dating at the time. THAT was fun...
Most recently, I found out that one girl I took out a couple times (who started dating someone a day or two after she broke up with someone else, and now she's started one of those couples blogs [and they're not even gonna be married for another couple months!], so that's an issue entirely separate from this one) thought that I was taking her out on "pity dates." Those are her words, not mine. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT EVEN MEANS. Why would I go on a date with someone because I pitied them?! If I ask someone out, it's because I am genuinely interested. There may be times where I sympathize with them, try to get to know them better and connect with them emotionally, but I wouldn't do it purely out of pity. What would there even BE for me to pity, if it's a first or second date? I'm still trying to get to know her in the first place!

The idea of simply telling someone you like them has never seemed to work for me either. Around here, it's always got to be some kind of "cloak and dagger" kind of thing – a roundabout, creative, clever way. It's pretty ridiculous at times, and even we know it and acknowledge it. Sure, it can be fun at times, but when you're one of the few trying to stick to the basics and everyone else around you is expecting something completely different, you feel just... lost. Confused. Frustrated, because everything you thought would work just fails, over and over and over and over again. Sometimes it shows signs of pointing to something good, but then it ends up crashing into the ground. Breaking into thousands of tiny pieces. Gah.

There are times that I feel a lot like Nacho in this clip; he's saying that he's happy and satisfied with life, but in reality he's wishing for much, much more:
I'm not calling Nacho Libre a cinematic masterpiece by any means. But one of the reasons I love movies so much is because there's almost always something in them with which I can connect. Jack Black's performance in this scene... You can see, if you watch his facial expressions closely, his concealed pain. The kids and Sister Encarnación don't really pick up on it because he's talking about how much he loves to serve them, but paying more attention to how he says it all reveals much more about what he's feeling.
*sigh* This post literally took me days to write. Started it on Saturday, finished it on Wednesday and I'll most likely write sequel posts to it in the future based on how my dating life goes or if I decide to write about specific aspects of dating (like friendzoning or flat-out rejections). I debated whether or not I should even post this one because it can come across that I'm complaining too much. (In my defense, no one forced you to read this far. Or at all. If you clicked on the link, then you must have been interested in something I had to say.) Yeah, in some ways I'm complaining – I said at the very beginning that this would be a rant – but it's not like my social life is horrible by any means. For example, Sunday night I was "heart attacked." See the picture below for an explanation.
The picture is blurry, and I apologize for that, but on each of the hearts there were personal notes written about me – some meant to be funny, all uplifting, and written by close girl friends (not girlfriends; note the space there) of mine. And twice within the last month, I've had homemade cookies delivered to me. (No picture for those, I ended up eating them too quickly.) I treasure gestures like this, and keep the little mementos because they honestly mean a lot to me.
Like I said, my social life isn't a complete bust. But there are just times where I feel like... I'm not progressing. It's good, but I wish – I have wished for some time – that I could have more.

To end on a happier note, here are a couple of GIFs from my constantly growing collection:

Have a good day, everybody.

New movies since the last post: The Informant!, Warm Bodies

Monday, September 2, 2013

Movies I own

The thoughts that so frequently inhabit my mind have once again kept me up later than I'd like. Not the best thing to happen to me on a regular basis, especially with school starting up this week, but oh well. I figure, since I'm up anyway and probably not going to be able to sleep for a while, why not make a list of all the movies I own? It'll keep me occupied for a while, and heck, might even make me sleepy by the end of it.
I've thought about what to do if I get more movies in the future. I'll just put notes at the bottom of future posts of all the movies I get in between the times I write.
Not quite at this point yet... But I'm getting there
These are pretty much in alphabetical order, except in the cases where I have collections of sorts. Links are to IMDB if there is a page for it (which, since I'm writing this part before I even list any movies, I'm gonna guess there is for all of them. Let's find out.)
Disclaimer: it's a fairly long list. I rarely buy new movies; most of these I've found at thrift stores, pawn shops, received as gifts, etc. I hate paying $20 or more for a movie when I can find it in good or almost-new quality for a couple dollars or less. Heck, I even managed to get Captain America brand new for a buck!
  1. 1408 (seen)
  2. 17 Again (seen)
  3. 2012 (seen)
  4. 21 (seen)
  5. 50 First Dates (seen)
  6. Accepted (seen)
  7. Accidental Spy, The
  8. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (seen)
  9. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (seen)
  10. Across the Universe (seen)
  11. Annapolis
  12. August Rush
  13. Avengers, The (seen)
  14. Balls of Fury (seen)
  15. Batman Beyond: The Movie (seen)
  16. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (seen)
  17. Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero (seen)
  18. Batman (seen)
  19. Batman Returns (seen)
  20. Batman Forever (seen)
  21. Batman & Robin (seen)
  22. Batman Begins (seen)
  23. The Dark Knight (seen)
  24. The Dark Knight Rises (seen)
  25. Beautiful Mind, A (seen)
  26. Beetlejuice
  27. Be Kind Rewind (seen)
  28. Benchwarmers, The (seen)
  29. Ben-Hur (seen)
  30. Bernie (seen)
  31. Big Daddy (seen)
  32. Big Fat Liar (seen)
  33. Big Year, The (seen)
  34. Black Dragon (I think this is it)
  35. Blades of Glory (seen)
  36. Bourne Identity, The (seen)
  37. Bourne Supremacy, The (seen)
  38. Bourne Ultimatum, The (seen)
  39. Bourne Legacy, The (seen)
  40. Braveheart
  41. Breach (seen)
  42. Breakfast at Tiffany's (seen)
  43. Bruce Almighty (seen)
  44. Bucket List, The
  45. Burn After Reading (seen)
  46. Cable Guy, The (seen)
  47. Captain America: The First Avenger (seen)
  48. Casablanca
  49. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (seen)
  50. Christmas Story, A (seen)
  51. Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (seen)
  52. Clash of the Titans (1981 version) (seen)
  53. City Slickers
  54. Click (seen)
  55. Cloverfield
  56. Clue (seen)
  57. Community (disc of first three episodes)
  58. Corpse Bride (seen)
  59. Count of Monte Cristo, The (seen)
  60. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  61. Date Night (seen)
  62. Da Vinci Code, The (seen)
  63. Departed, The (seen)
  64. Dinner for Schmucks (seen)
  65. Disturbia (seen)
  66. Dodgeball (seen)
  67. Doom
  68. Dragonball Evolution (seen)
  69. Dragon Lord (Pretty sure this is it)
  70. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (seen)
  71. Drillbit Taylor
  72. Dumb and Dumber (seen)
  73. Dungeons & Dragons
  74. Easy A (seen)
  75. Enchanted (seen)
  76. Enter the Dragon
  77. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (seen)
  78. Evan Almighty (seen)
  79. Face/Off
  80. Family Guy Star Wars: Blue Harvest (seen)
  81. Family Guy Star Wars: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side (seen)
  82. Family Guy Star Wars: It's a Trap! (seen)
  83. Fantastic Four
  84. Fantastic Mr. Fox (seen)
  85. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (seen)
  86. Fever Pitch
  87. Fight Club (seen)
  88. Fighter, The
  89. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
  90. Finding Neverland (seen)
  91. Fists of Bruce Lee, The
  92. Forrest Gump (seen)
  93. Forward Unto Dawn
  94. Fun With Dick and Jane (seen)
  95. Galaxy Quest (seen)
  96. Ghost Rider
  97. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (seen)
  98. Good Night, and Good Luck
  99. Goonies, The (seen)
  100. Green Hornet, The (seen)
  101. Green Lantern (seen)
  102. Hamlet (seen)
  103. Hancock (seen)
  104. Happy Gilmore (seen)
  105. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (seen)
  106. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (seen)
  107. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (seen)
  108. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (seen)
  109. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (seen)
  110. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (seen)
  111. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 (seen)
  112. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (seen)
  113. Heavyweights (seen)
  114. Hey Arnold! The Movie (seen)
  115. Hitch (seen)
  116. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (seen)
  117. Holiday, The (seen)
  118. Home Alone (seen)
  119. Hook (seen)
  120. Horton Hears a Who! (seen)
  121. Hot Rod (seen)
  122. Hot Shots!
  123. I Am Legend (seen)
  124. Illusionist, The (seen)
  125. Inception (seen)
  126. Incredible Burt Wonderstone, The (seen)
  127. Incredible Hulk, The (seen)
  128. Independence Day (seen)
  129. Informant!, The (seen)
  130. Inglorious Basterds
  131. Insidious (seen)
  132. In Time (seen)
  133. I, Robot (seen)
  134. Iron Man (seen)
  135. Italian Job, The (seen)
  136. James Bond: Goldfinger (seen)
  137. James Bond: Casino Royale (seen)
  138. James Bond: Quantum of Solace (seen)
  139. Jumanji (seen)
  140. Juno (seen)
  141. Just Friends (seen)
  142. Karate Kid, The
  143. Karate Kid II, The
  144. Karate Kid 3, The
  145. Next Karate Kid, The
  146. Kicking & Screaming (seen)
  147. King Kong
  148. Knight and Day (seen)
  149. Knight's Tale, A (seen)
  150. Knowing (seen)
  151. K-Pax
  152. Kung Fu Panda (seen)
  153. Labyrinth
  154. Last Airbender, The (seen)
  155. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The
  156. Left Field, The (link to Facebook page) (seen)
  157. Limitless (seen)
  158. Longest Yard, The (2005 version) (seen)
  159. Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  160. Lord of the Rings, The: The Fellowship of the Ring (seen)
  161. Lord of the Rings, The: The Two Towers (seen)
  162. Lord of the Rings, The: The Return of the King (seen)
  163. Man in the Iron Mask, The
  164. Man of the Year
  165. Marley & Me (seen)
  166. Mars Attacks!
  167. Mask of Zorro, The (seen)
  168. Master of Disguise, The (seen)
  169. Matrix, The
  170. Meet Joe Black
  171. Memento (seen)
  172. Me, Myself, and Irene (seen)
  173. Men In Black (seen)
  174. Minority Report (seen)
  175. Mobsters and Mormons (seen)
  176. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (seen)
  177. Mortal Kombat
  178. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
  179. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (seen)
  180. Mr. Deeds (seen)
  181. Mummy, The
  182. Nacho Libre (seen)
  183. Napoleon Dynamite (seen)
  184. National Treasure (seen)
  185. Necessary Evil: Super-Villains of DC Comics (seen)
  186. Nightmare Before Christmas, The (seen)
  187. Notebook, The (seen)
  188. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (seen)
  189. Ocean's Eleven (seen)
  190. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (seen)
  191. One Night With the King (I know I got it at one point, but can't seem to find the actual disk for it at the moment...)
  192. Operation Condor (Wikipedia article; it's a little unclear which one this is in conjunction with the following movie)
  193. Operation Condor 2 (Once I actually watch these, I'll make sure the links are right)
  194. Other Guys, The (seen)
  195. Pagemaster, The (seen)
  196. Pajama Gladiator (seen)
  197. Paycheck (seen)
  198. Pay It Forward
  199. Pearl Harbor (seen)
  200. Pineapple Express (seen)
  201. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (seen)
  202. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (seen)
  203. Prestige, The (seen)
  204. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (seen)
  205. Princess Bride, The (seen)
  206. Producers, The
  207. Project A
  208. Project A2
  209. Pulp Fiction (seen)
  210. Pursuit of Happyness, The (seen)
  211. Push (seen)
  212. Radio (seen)
  213. Rat Race (seen)
  214. Red Eye (seen)
  215. The Best Red vs. Blue DVD Ever. Of All Time. (seen)
  216. Ring, The
  217. Ringer, The (seen)
  218. Robin Hood: Men in Tights (seen)
  219. Rocker, The (seen)
  220. Rocky
  221. Rocky II
  222. Rocky III
  223. Rocky IV
  224. Rocky Balboa (seen)
  225. Salt
  226. Schindler's List (seen)
  227. School of Rock (seen)
  228. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (seen)
  229. Scrooged
  230. Secondhand Lions (seen)
  231. Secret Window (seen)
  232. Series of Unfortunate Events, A (seen)
  233. Shawshank Redemption, The
  234. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (seen)
  235. Sixth Sense, The
  236. Social Network, The (seen)
  237. Spaceballs (seen)
  238. Space Jam (seen)
  239. Spanglish (seen)
  240. Spider-Man (seen)
  241. Spider-Man 2 (seen)
  242. Spider-Man 3 (seen)
  243. Starsky & Hutch (seen)
  244. Star Trek (seen)
  245. Supercop
  246. Superman/Doomsday
  247. Superman
  248. Super Size Me (seen)
  249. S.W.A.T.
  250. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (seen)
  251. Taken (seen)
  252. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (seen)
  253. Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny (seen)
  254. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (seen)
  255. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze (seen)
  256. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles In Time (seen)
  257. Ten Commandments, The
  258. TMNT
  259. Terminal, The (seen)
  260. Terminator, The (seen)
  261. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (seen)
  262. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
  263. ¡Three Amigos! (seen)
  264. Tommy Boy (seen)
  265. Top Gun
  266. Tourist, The
  267. Tower Heist
  268. Transformers (seen)
  269. Tron: Legacy (seen)
  270. Tropic Thunder (seen)
  271. Twilight (seen)
  272. Twin Dragons
  273. UHF (seen)
  274. Unbreakable (seen)
  275. V for Vendetta
  276. W.
  277. WarGames (seen)
  278. Warm Bodies
  279. War of the Worlds
  280. Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Academy Awards Animation Collection (Wikipedia link) (seen)
  281. Wayne's World (seen)
  282. We Are Marshall (seen)
  283. Wedding Singer, The
  284. Weekend at Bernie's
  285. Westing Game, The (seen)
  286. What About Bob? (seen)
  287. Wicker Park (seen)
  288. Wild Wild West (seen)
  289. Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (seen)
  290. Woke Up Dead (seen)
  291. X-Men (seen)
  292. X2: X-Men United (seen)
  293. X-Men: The Last Stand (seen)
  294. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (seen)
  295. X-Men: First Class (seen)
  296. Year One (seen)
  297. Yes Man (seen)
  298. Young Frankenstein (seen)
  299. Zombieland (seen)
  300. Zoolander (seen)
Looks like it's mostly the Jackie Chan movies that really gave me trouble... Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's all of them for now. Fun fact: I've only seen most of these movies. There's a fair amount that I've bought because they were highly recommended or talked about by friends, or they're just classics that I figured I should have in my collection anyway. I do plan on watching them all, and like I said I've already seen most of them.
There are still a lot of movies I feel like I should add to my library, so as I stated before I'll include notes about which ones I get in the future. Any recommendations as to what I should add?