Sunday, September 22, 2013

Current Musical Delights

I've written before about music, so I don't think this post will be too long. Just wanted to share some songs that I've recently found that are on repeat in my music library.

First up is "Monster" by Imagine Dragons. Supposedly this isn't on any album yet, but instead from the new game Infinity Blade 3:

Next up is "It's Time," also by Imagine Dragons, but an acoustic version that they did for SXSW:

Then there's "Wake Me Up" by Avicii. (I think it's pronounced "ah-vee-chee.")

A current favorite of Maroon 5, this is "Daylight":
This is just a lyric video, but if you've got time to watch the one that they did for something called "The Daylight Project" (it's about 10 minutes long) it's worth a look.

"Charlie Brown," by Coldplay, might not be the most popular song off their newest album, but it's pretty awesome in my book:

And last is one more by Imagine Dragons. "Demons":

Music is something I can always enjoy because, like I wrote in one of my last posts, there's a lyric, chord, something in it that just connects with me. Resonates with me, if you'll excuse the slight musical pun. Also like movies, my music collection is always growing, so if you've got suggestions of songs to listen to I'm open for most anything.

No new movies yet, but a couple more GIFs:
I'm all for irony.
Haven't actually seen this movie. Yes, I know what it's from.
Neil Patrick Harris is always awesome. Dancing with Elmo only makes him more so.

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