Sunday, January 18, 2015

Journal-like entry 1-18-2015

I'm just gonna put down some random thoughts and feelings about how life's going right now. I figure that besides posting about specific topics most weeks, it'd be good to actually write about what's going on in my day-to-day every so often.

Yesterday was a pretty fun day for me, as I got to help out a little with a Divine Comedy alumni show. As I've mentioned before on here, I did the sound for them for a couple years and absolutely loved it. This was particularly fun as as lot of the sketches were ones from before my time, including The Little Mia Maid (a parody of The Little Mermaid) and Harry Potter and the One Where Dumbledore Dies (a parody of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). Almost all of the cast of Studio C, who started with DC, and some other past cast members came back for it and it drew crowds that filled the auditorium every performance. Getting to play the music again was especially fun during the last show, because Jansen (the guy who took over for me) proposed to his girlfriend halfway through.

I recently got a job with Deseret Book, after applying to a bunch of different places. I'll be working receiving for them and I start there this week! I'm really excited to work there, and I'm gonna keep looking for another job so I can just work a ton while I'm not in school. A Subway location close to where I'm at now offered me a job starting at the end of the month, so that's a definite possibility (as I worked at a couple locations in Provo last year).

I'm close to finishing Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and loving it so far. It was originally a series of radio chats that he broadcasted himself, then it was all compiled into this book. It's his explanation on what Christianity truly means, expounding on many points that really aren't too clear or are often glossed over, and what people who consider themselves Christian should do in order to get the most out of religious practices. A favorite quote from a chapter I recently read: "You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being He had ever created." referring to the Savior in a great explanation of how He doesn't experience time the same way we do.

The exercise routine is going great. I've been hitting 5 miles consistently so far, so in February I think I'm going to up it to 6. And if I get that consistently in February, I'll just keep raising it until I really feel like it's challenging. Yesterday I did some walking in the morning, which helped get my total steps over 16,000 (about 7 miles). And I've been holding weights as I walk, so I burn some extra calories while I do it. Right now I'm about 90 pounds over my target weight... so I have a decently long way to go. But again, being able to hit my target distance every day so far is helping me feel pretty confident. And that's something I hadn't felt a lot of recently.

Still working on the dating thing. Starting at a new job this week, attending a new ward (and institute classes), and getting this confidence through exercise, I feel optimistic for this new year. I'm giving online dating another go, but lately it hasn't brought too many results... Still, I'm keeping the option open.

My sister and her two youngest kids will be visiting in a couple weeks, so I'll more than likely be getting a ton of time to have fun with them. (And get to know the youngest one, as he was born less than two months ago!)

I think that's about it for now... I do have some video ideas I'm working on, so I'll definitely have one up by the end of this month.

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