Sunday, January 4, 2015

Video series brainstorming

I've mentioned a few times on this blog that I really want to start making videos, and in greater quantity than in the past. The last few I've made, while I've been proud of them, were more for other people than for myself. And one of the things I've constantly heard about video making, especially for YouTube (which is where I'd like to eventually put these) is that it's important to like the content that you make – create something you'd want to watch yourself.

Here's a list of some of my favorite YouTube channels, with brief descriptions of each (in alphabetical order, just because that's easiest for me to look up). I'm going to group some of them together, because among some of these groups they've made their own networks:

  • Belated Media – Movie reviews, talking with other internet personalities, and received a lot of attention for "What If Star Wars Episode I Was Good?"
  • Boyce Avenue – a musical group, known mostly for their acoustic covers of pop songs (though they do have their own songs as well)
  • Brutalmoose, Caddicarus, NintendoFanFTW, and Yungtown – their group is called Hidden Block, and their videos all deal with video games. Each channel has their own series of videos, and each has a unique flair.
  • CinemaSins – known for their "Everything Wrong With ______" videos. As far as I know, it's run by just a couple guys, and was started by just one guy with a great idea.
  • Continue?, DidYouKnowGaming?, JonTronShow, PeanutButterGamer, ProJared, and That One Video Gamer – part of a group called NormalBoots. A lot like Hidden Block in that these are all video game based, but it was around first.
  • Egoraptor – online animations, a lot of which are about video games. Egoraptor the person is also known for voice acting and for being part of the channel Game Grumps, a let's play series I also like.
  • Epic Rap Battles – videos that pit two (sometimes more) famous people from history against each other in a rap battle.The people can be fictional characters, but a lot of times they use real people and base their lyrics off of historical facts about them or things they've done. (Isaac Newton vs. Bill Nye as an example, with Weird Al Yankovic featured as Isaac Newton.)
  • Fail Army – just collects submissions from people around the world and compiles them into weekly videos. All the videos consist of people failing (usually by hurting themselves) in some fashion.
  • Glove and Boots – a semi-regular vlog, but the main personas are puppets. Pretty funny ones, at that.
  • Hot Pepper Gaming – reviews of video games, but the gimmick is that they're recorded live right as someone eats a hot pepper (usually a habanero or hotter), and sometimes features other famous YouTubers.
  • How It Should Have Ended – takes the ending of popular movies and animates them, but changes it so that the ending either makes a lot more sense or is just funnier.
  • juliansmith87 (and technically jefferydallas) – channels that feature very well-made videos, but about completely random things or topics. ("Malk" being a prime example.)
  • LetsPlay, Rooster Teeth, and The Know – all from the same parent company (Rooster Teeth), and mostly related to video games. The Know, their news show, sometimes reports on general entertainment or astounding scientific advances. The Slow Mo Guys also came out of this, and while all they do is just show stuff that looks cool in high-definition slow motion... It all looks really cool!
  • MysterGuitarMan – While recently he's been making projects over longer periods of time (which have also been turning out longer), some of the first things that got him started were short music videos that featured crazy good editing.
  • OK Go – if you've seen this, this, this, or this, then you know why I like these guys.
  • Old Spice – their channel usually to host their commercials, but every once in a while they just go crazy and have fun.
  • PomplamooseMusic – A lot like Boyce Avenue in that they do some covers of songs, and some original music, but also like OK Go in that they sometimes have super creative videos.
  • RocketJump – originally known on YouTube as freddiew, named for the creator of the channel Freddie Wong. A lot of video game related content, many of which use special effects to reenact specific games or scenarios. Recently their main focus has been to finish the last season of their series Video Game High School.
  • Screen Junkies – known mostly for their "Honest Trailers", which remake movie trailers into usually comedic versions that are brutally honest of the movie's plot. They also have a couple other shows, one being "Movie Fights" where they have three people argue about different movie-related questions and someone scoring for each question.
  • Smooth McGroove – a cappella vocalist who does covers of video game music.
  • Studio C – a channel I'm kinda partial to due to my past involvement with Divine Comedy, this is basically just where they upload the sketches that get broadcasted on television. However, they've been focusing lately on expanding their online audience, especially after the popularity of Scott Sterling.
  • The Game Theorists – many different series exploring the worlds of video games and how they connect to each other, their cultural influences, or possible explanations (the so-named game theories) of why things happen in these video game worlds.
These are all channels I'm subscribed to, and ones I consider major influences on what I would like to make myself. This time I'm specifically looking for input from others. What are some ideas of videos that you'd like me to make? Or what are some kinds of videos you'd like to see yourself? I feel like somewhere on this blog I've already mentioned my main idea for a channel (reviewing movies that you can find for cheap, and reviewing the DVD that you'd get as a whole instead of just the movie). But I'm open and accepting of any ideas or suggestions.

So if you want, leave a comment – I can guarantee that I'll read it and take it into consideration.

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