Friday, July 5, 2013


So right now there's a thunder/lightning storm going on in Provo. First one I've seen in a long time, and I'm actually kinda grateful for it. The weather here has been ridiculously hot for central Utah, and after working all day yesterday in the sun it's nice to have a change of pace. It was so strong a little while ago that our power went out a couple times.

Incredibly, that doesn't bother me if I still want to use my electronics. I had a little bit of a rant in one of my first posts and this post will be pretty much all about it this time. First of all, I'm typing this on a laptop right now, but could just as easily write this part on my phone, where there's an app dedicated specifically to Blogger accounts. I could do it on either machine wirelessly, and if the internet from my apartment isn't working then I can just connect my laptop to my phone through Bluetooth and use its network instead. Should I desire to take a break for a little bit, I've got various games on the phone, or I could browse any part of the internet I desire on there as well - maybe check Facebook, look at my mail, watch some YouTube videos... Heck, if I'm bored enough, I could even make a quick video on my phone! And not just film it all in one go, but record multiple takes, edit it, add special effects, maybe include a soundtrack taken from my music library, and then put it all online. All in a relatively short amount of time, and again without necessarily being connected to a wall port or power source.

Some years ago, when connecting to the internet meant you were taking up your home's phone line, music was still mostly sold as CDs, and you were lucky if your cell phone had a camera that just took pictures, most of this would be considered super advanced and out of our lifetime. Our parents, and our parents' parents, surely wouldn't have dreamt of seeing these kinds of advances in their day. But we've got so much in our life that makes things simpler and easier to do now! And things are only progressing from here. We're not quite at the level of the Jetsons, but I wouldn't be surprised if we make a few more technological leaps in the next few years. Seriously, if you wanted to, there's a way you could be playing on an Xbox and decide you want to get a pizza from Pizza Hut. You don't even have to get up from your couch to do that. We're in a quickly changing society, and the technology is advancing a lot of it.
Now, we haven't exactly gotten to the point of technology taking over and becoming sentient, so that's good so far. We don't need a Terminator-like scenario (or one from I, Robot, pictured above) where the machines begin to learn and decide that humans aren't worth keeping around anymore because of their imperfections or inferiorities... At least, I don't think they've come that far yet, right?
Oh crud. They're on to me.

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